I created this blog while I was studying in the Metis data science program. While they were very helpful in setting up the foundations for my site, there were a lot of features and opportunities I had to discover on my own. I want to quickly mention of the low-hanging fruit you can take advantage of if you’re interested in setting up your own website.

I’m always curious to experiment with new bells and whistles on this site, so let me know if there’s a feature to play with.

Choosing a theme:

GitHub Pages has a list of Jekyll themes that they officially support, but there are a lot of third-party, open-source themes you can use instead with little difficulty (here, for instance).

Many of the repositories have instructions for configuring the content and data appropriately.

Typically all you have to do to get it up and running is:

  • fork the theme’s repository
  • rename it to <your username>.github.io
  • adjust the settings in the _config.yml file

More details on initial setup are available here

Domain Name:

The go-to URL for your GitHub Pages website is <your username>.github.io, but if you feel like that’s a bit unappealing, setting up your own domain name is fairly straightforward.

I registered my domain name for this site through Google Domains, and there are some good instructions for setting it up with GitHub.